Novel News: January 2021

Happy New Year! Goodbye 2020 and hello 2021! The holidays are over and I sincerely hope you all had a merry time of it. January 2020 seems like a lifetime ago instead of only a mere twelve months. Though we have all suffered hardships, we made it through! Perhaps a little worse for wear, butContinue reading “Novel News: January 2021”

Novel News: December 2020

Merry Christmas! The holidays are quickly approaching. Back in March and April, the thought of what December might bring could scarcely surprise us. The suffering and hardships that we’ve faced may have made the year end seem like a lifetime away, yet here we are. We’ve made it! Perhaps a little worse for wear, butContinue reading “Novel News: December 2020”

Novel News: November 2020

Fall is in full swing! Bring on the pumpkin spice and the cooler weather! Thanksgiving is less than a month away and Christmas follows quickly after. What a year, 2020 has been. I know that many of us have dealt with a lot this year. With the continuing crises: the COVID-19 pandemic, assorted natural disasters,Continue reading “Novel News: November 2020”

Novel News: October 2020

Fall is finally here! Bring on the pumpkin spice and the cooler weather! What a year, 2020 has been thus far. I know that many of us have dealt with more this year than in the last five. With the continuing crises: the COVID-19 pandemic, assorted natural disasters, and the threat of social and politicalContinue reading “Novel News: October 2020”

Novel News: September 2020

Summer is almost over, and as I write this post, I am anticipating the decline of temperatures here in Texas. The year 2020 has certainly been eventful: pandemics, natural disasters, and another round of political upheaval to rival even the last major election. I know for many of us this year has been less thanContinue reading “Novel News: September 2020”

Novel News: August 2020

Summer is in full swing! As I write this post, here in Texas the temperatures have exceeded 100 degrees several times already. I know many of us have had a difficult Spring, but through God’s grace and providence we are persevering! As always, I am thrilled to be sharing what God is doing through myContinue reading “Novel News: August 2020”

Novel News: July 2020

Summer is here! I know many of us have had a difficult Spring, but through God’s grace and providence we are persevering! As always, I am thrilled to be sharing what God is doing through my writing! Get ready for some more Novel News! EVENTS: For the moment, all book signing events have been cancelledContinue reading “Novel News: July 2020”

Damnatio Memoriae…Again!

I wrote the original post some five years ago, trying to place within context the desecration of memory I saw taking place. Many Americans were judging historical figures based upon our modern ethos and condemning them for not acceding to our modern expectations. Now five years later, I see the renewed and continuing desire ofContinue reading “Damnatio Memoriae…Again!”